A look at some of my favorite sites that closed down like Icerocket and Top tweet
Every marketer especially bloggers and small business owners use free online tools that help with their digital marketing activities. From SEO spying, to traffic analysis to website monitoring, these tools are used to support various functions.
From the time I started blogging, I Â used a lot of tools and sites. Mostly the free ones! And I have started seeing some of these sites / valuable tools die.
Here’s a look at some of these sites and valuable marketing tools that closed down in the recent past.
My top Tweet
This easy Twitter analytics tool was used to track your top 10 tweets and also to spy on your competitors top tweets. You could basically see the top 10 tweets for any Twitter user you wished. The site closed down on 29th December 2016. The team is now working on this new platform called Crowdriff
2. Compete.com
How I miss this site! I used compete a lot.. Compete was a data analytics site, one could use to immediately see your competitors competitive rank, unique visitors, traffic etc. Compete closed its doors on 30th December 2016. No one seems to know why it closed down. (I would be keen to know what happened if anyone knows).
3. Ice Rocket
Icerocket.com will be shutdown permanently on March 8th, 2017. I used Ice rocket a couple of times. It was a free tool to help monitor specific keyword. I used it to keep track mentions of my websites. I personally know a few bloggers who use this tool a lot! It’s sad it will be gone soon!
4. Twitter Dashboard
Logged into my twitter one day to check the stats and boof! it was gone. I further went on to google for the reasons of closure and found this article on social media today. According to this article it may have been better for Twitter to focus more attention on TweetDeck more specifically, as almost all of the Dashboard functions are already available there, but they must have seen a need for a specific app, with better mobile functionality likely a key focus.
Twitter dashboard closed on 3rd February this year.
5. Topsy
Topsy.com shut down in 2015. Ok I know, this is not as recent but, it is worth mentioning because Topsy was probably one of the most effective hashtag monitoring tool for Twitter. And I used it quite a lot. The service also provided in depth social media analytics.

On it’s website Dmoz has announced its closure as of March 14th 2017. Not many know that Dmoz- web directory of Internet resources  started in 1998 the same year as Google. It was one of most powerful web directories till very recently. A lot of marketers on various forums have called the closure of Dmoz as the “end of an Era” some even doubt if SEO will be the same after this.
Here is a screenshot of the website as of today:
That sums up my list. If you know of any valuable sites that closed recently let me know  and I will add it to this list.
Tags: closed sites, dead sites, marketing tools, sites that closed down
Never really heard of the above sites, but i think it was pity some of my favourite site closed down too. Such as before Google was famous, geocities & lycos was two of some of the site that i often visit.